
Staying safe online is an increasing challenge in today's world

On this page we give you up-to-date information about a variety of online apps and games. We hope you find it useful in this ever changing and challenging digital world. Some of the information may be more appropriate for older children but we felt was still valuable to share. Please contact us if there are any issues that you would like help with regarding online safety.

Safeguarding contacts and support  

We recognise that the unexpected may happen and cause families distress which may require some support.

If have any concerns about the welfare or safety of a child or young person, please do not hesitate to call one of these numbers:

Cornwall Multi Agency Referral Unit (MARU) 0300 123 1116

Devon equivalent (MASH) 0345 155 1071

Early Help Hub (where as a parent you can make a self referral) https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/earlyhelp

NSPCC 0808 800 5000 or [email protected]

Family Agreements

We have also found that family agreements are something practical that children and parents can discuss and agree together. These can be very effective as they give both child and parent responsibility. There is a good template at: http://www.childnet.com/ufiles/Family-agreement-template.pdf The Family Agreement can go up on the fridge so everyone at home is always reminded of what’s been agreed.

Useful Resources

As parents you can support your child in staying safe online by having a quick look at some of these resources listed below. These websites have comprehensive information for parents and children as well as top tips and contact details should you have concerns or need further information.

Don’t forget, you can also talk to our Safeguarding Lead if you have any queries or concerns, or simply would like further information on helping you and your family stay safe online.