St Mark's Parent & Teacher Association

Welcome to our PTA  (Parent & Teacher Association).

We are a mixed bunch of people, men, women, business folk, professionals and ladies that lunch! We are always looking for more volunteers to help us and anyone is welcome!

We meet 3 or 4 times a term, alternating between the day and the evening. (You don’t need to attend every one!) We discuss what event to put on and the running of it, from tiny cake sales, film nights to bigger events such as the annual Christmas Fayre. We serve teas and coffees at most school events (which are a great way to meet new parents!) and offer support to parents who are new to the school and the area.

There is a lovely team spirit, and we really enjoy ourselves at the events. It is a great way to get to know a wider circle of teachers and families so is especially good if you are new to the area or the school.You can join in and volunteer at anytime throughout the year. You can just help out at odd events or throw yourselves right in! If you feel you can’t join us at the moment please help us, and your children, by supporting the events that the PTA hosts.

At present our committee comprises of      This is to be updated




plus a group of volunteers.

Please contact the PTA through our Secretary at St Mark’s.

How can you help make a difference:

  • Support as many events as you can
  • Help is always needed at most events. It’s also a great way to make friends!